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The League of Women Voters of Santa Barbara is an active volunteer organization. Our members participate in committees and teams that work on a wide range of issues based on our local positions.  They gather information, monitor government agencies, and recommend action.

An excellent summary of these activities can be found in a 1-page handout called "League of Women Voters of Santa Barbara - Who We Are. What We Do."  

Click on the link below to view this document.

LWVSB - Who We Are. What We Do. 

LWVSB - Quiénes Somos. Qué Hacemos.

Please download and print the document to share with your friends 
and colleagues who might be interested in joining our League!

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Phone: (805) 965-2422
League of Women Voters of Santa Barbara
3463 State Street, #260
Santa Barbara, CA 93105  

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