Mission of the League of Women Voters: “Empowering Voters, Protecting Our Democracy”
As a member you have many choices-- attending forums, working on committees, signing up new voters, studying ballot measures,
speaking up at public hearings, writing letters, participating in a book club, and joining with us to help make democracy work.
League Membership offers the opportunity to:
• learn more about government, about many different issues and influence public policy
• meet new people
• serve your community by registering voters, educating the public, and meeting with government officials at local, state, and national levels.
• develop leadership skills |
By joining LWVSB, you automatically become a member of the following leagues:
National League -
LWV United States (LWVUS)
State League -
LWV California (LWVC)
You will add your voice to a powerful force of members from all 50 states, Washington, D.C. and US Territories.